Poker rules in Lithuanian

Poker is a very popular card game of chance, where good skill and luck are important. Poker Rules For beginners, it requires a lot of care in keeping track of the cards in your hand. In order to know whether a bet is worth making, it is important to learn card combinations. Next, we'll look at how to learn to play poker.

Poker rules in Lithuanian

The game of poker has different rules. It is divided into several types according to the number of cards played. In this article, we teach you how to play poker with cards - Texas Holdem.

Preparing for the game

Game set

Depending on the poker set you buy, the composition of the poker set may vary:

The aim of the game

The object of a poker game is to win all the chips in the pot. The pot is the players' accumulated bets in the middle of the table. There are two ways to win the pot: by holding the highest value hand in play, or by having the other players discard their cards and not continuing the game.


Texas Holdem poker can be played by 2 to 10 players. Each player must play individually. Arrangements or partnerships are considered cheating and are illegal.

Poker chips

All players are dealt an equal number of chips. The amount can be decided before the game.

Playing Chips - Poker Rules


One player receives a special token with the letter "D" on it. He or she plays the role of dealer. At the end of the game, the next person becomes the dealer. "The 'D' chip travels clockwise across the table.

Knowing the terms of the game makes it much easier to understand the rules of poker

Initial bets:

  • Small blind - small compulsory bet;
  • Big blind - the big blind.

Dealing the cards:

  • Pre-flop - the first round of betting before any cards have been opened;
  • Flop - Three cards are dealt face up on the table;
  • Turn - the fourth card is turned up;
  • River - the fifth card is turned up.


  • Fold - discard your cards and do not continue the game;
  • Call - participate in the game by placing as many chips as the other players have already placed;
  • But - increase the big bet;
  • Raise - to increase another player's bet if that player has already increased the big bet;
  • All in - the player places all available chips;
  • Check - when a player bets nothing during his turn and only decides whether he will bet at all and how much he will bet when the other players act.

Rules of the Poker Game Progress

We will discuss how to play poker in the following subsections.

Initial bets

The two players to the left of the dealer must make the first bets. The first player makes the small bet and the second player makes the big bet. The big bet must be double the small bet. Game Poker Rules only allow the cards to be dealt after these bets have been placed.

Dealing of cards

First, each player is dealt two cards face down. Then the first betting round takes place. This is followed by three cards being placed face up on the table. A second betting round takes place. The fourth card on the table is turned up. The third betting round begins. Finally, a fifth card is dealt face up on the table. After the cards have been dealt, the players have two cards in each hand and five cards are face up on the table.

Poker Rules for Beginners in Lithuanian specify which player will be the dealer

First betting round (Pre-flop)

Once players have looked at their cards, they start their first bet. The first player to act is the one to the left of the person who made the big blind. During the betting process, the player can choose from three options:

  • Discard your cards and do not play this game again (fold);
  • Answer and build as much as the one who made the big bet (call);
  • Increase the bet (but).

Once he or she has performed the action, the queue passes to the next person. The game is played clockwise. It is forbidden to take any action outside your turn.

The next person playing can again:

  • discard your cards and stop participating (fold);
  • Reply to (call);
  • increase the bet (but) or (raise)

Depending on the type of game, according to poker rules upping the ante (raise) may be limited: the amount of the raise can be the same as the size of the big bet (fixed limit Holdem); increased by the amount accumulated in the bank, up to a maximum of (Pot Limit Holdem); or unlimited increases (no limit Holdem).

When the low bettor's turn comes, he only has to bet the difference between what he has already bet and the maximum bet by other players. The player who made the big bet may continue the game without placing any additional bets (unless the other players have increased their big bet).

The first betting round ends when all players have bet the same amount of chips.

Poker rules. Example of a game:

Four people play at the table. Tom is the dealer. To his left are Lukas, Inga and Agnes. The players are dealt two cards each.

The first betting round (pre-flop) begins. Luke makes a small bet of 1 chip. Inga makes a big bet of 2 chips. Agnes folds. Tommy bets 2 chips (call). Lukas bets 1 chip because he has already bet 1 chip in the small bet. The first round of betting is over. There are now 2+2+2 = 6 chips on the table.

Poker chips at stake - types of poker

Second betting round

When three cards are dealt face up on the table (the Flop), the second round of betting begins. The betting is in the same order as in the first round. The only new option is to skip your turn and bet later (check). The round ends when all players have bet the same number of chips or have exited the game.  

Example of a game:

Three cards are dealt face up on the table (flop). The dealer for the entire game is Tom. Luke skips his turn because he wants to see what the others will do (check). Inga bets 4 chips (bet). Tom raises to 8 chips (raise). Lukas bets 8 chips without raising (call). Inga folds. The table is now 6+4+8+8 = 26 chips.

Third betting round

The fourth card (turn) is turned up on the table. You can bet in the same way as you did in the second betting round.

How to play poker rules - an example of a game:

The fourth card (turn) is revealed. Only Tom and Luke play. Luke puts in 16 chips (bet). Tom calls back with 16 chips. The table now has 26+16+16 = 58 chips.

Fourth betting round

The last card on the table is the river. The betting order is again similar.

Example of a game:

The fifth card (river) is dealt. Luke bets 32 chips (bet). Tom raises and bets 64 chips (raise). Lukas folds. Tom wins the pot, which is 58+32+64 = 154 chips.

Poker is over and the cards are dealt - the rules for learning to play poker with cards

The cards are turned over to determine the winner of the game

Players who have not exited the game by the end of the fourth betting round open their cards. The player with the best hand wins the pot, which is all the chips bet by the players in the game. If several players have the same hand, they split the pot equally. If you're already a good player, join sports poker federations and take part in tournaments.

Frequently asked questions

❓How many people can play poker?

You can play at one table from 2 to 10 players.

❓What is the role of the dealer in poker?

Under poker rules, the dealer does not necessarily deal the cards. It is a matter of mutual agreement between the players as to who will deal. The point of the dealer is that he acts as a reference point in the game. The person to his left will have to start the game. Once the game is over, the dealer's position is rotated clockwise.

❓What are blinds in poker?

These are the bets that must be placed by the players to the left of the dealer. The first player makes the small bet and the second player makes the big bet. The amount of the big blind is twice the amount of the small blind. These bets are made during each game to ensure that all players are in the game. Otherwise, someone with a poor hand will be continually drawn and will simply not be interesting to play with.

❓What are the basic rules of Texas Holdem poker?

Each game has 4 betting rounds. During these rounds, players can exit the game, call, bet, raise or check.
On the first betting round, the two players to the left of the dealer make the blinds.
After the first round, three community cards are revealed; after the second round, one; after the third round, one; after the fourth round, the players reveal their hole cards and make their best hand.