Games for children

Games help children learn, explore the world and communicate

From an early age, children start exploring the world, making up all sorts of games - sorting by colour, putting small pieces together, etc. From the very first days of exploring the world, games have a beneficial effect on children.

Board games for the little ones

At what age should children be introduced to board games?

The very youngest children still struggle to understand the rules and do not have the patience for a long game. Although, if the child is interested, they can try a memory game before the age of three. The rules are quite simple - just select two identical cards.

From the age of three, you can start playing easy dice games like Snakes and Ladders. This is a legendary game with many variations.

Checkers can also be introduced to a three-year-old. He should first observe the game, find out what was done and why, and what the plans are. Of course, if he is interested. Children should not be forced to do something, as this will only discourage them. Checkers develops a child's attention and logical thinking.

A small child playing checkers

I was also interested in one of the games for the little ones. Three-year-olds are already very good at stacking the blocks together.

Children aged 6-7 years can understand the meanings of card games more easily. Traditional card games such as War (the game is about collecting all the cards in the deck) or Pig (the game is about whoever is out of cards wins) are great choices. Newer games for this age include Dobble (you have to find one matching symbol on two cards), Uno (you have to match the colours or numbers of the cards). For the first time, parents can show the rules, explain them in their own words, and then the games will go on for days - much better than sitting on the phone!

Games for children with dice and figurines

And don't forget the action-packed Twister game. Children love to frolic and run around, and this game helps them to use their energy quickly and efficiently. Six-year-olds can already play it with confidence.