Games for adults

Games for adults - do they really exist?

It may sound funny, but for a long time people thought that games were only for children. Since the games were mainly based on dice rolls and moving the pieces around, they quickly became boring. Gradually, this attitude started to change and it has been changing ever since. Games for adults encourage strategy, a lot of thought and boredom.

Games for adults are full of different elements

What are these games for adults?


In team games (e.g. Pandemic), a plan is laid out in advance to beat the game itself. All players help each other. Weaker players (if they don't mind) can be advised on which move to make and where to place the game piece. In this way, we both improve ourselves and teach others. Throughout the game there is intrigue and a desire to win.

In other strategy games (e.g. Carcassonne), people compete against each other. Since dice are not rolled (or do not play a major role), winning by chance is not possible. Again, strategic plans are made, playing cards are used, and a path forward is tried to be picked. Or, on the contrary, to prevent the other from getting ahead. The winner is only revealed at the end of the game. But winning is not easy!

Example of games for adults


Some of the most entertaining card games are Alias and Dixit. They are designed for adults, but can also be played by children. Once you get into these games, you can't help but notice how the evening (and maybe the morning) passes. Their rules are not difficult, and are completely different from strategy games. You don't need to make any plans in advance - you just draw a card and rush to think of a description for it. And the others will guess. And sometimes the answers are so unexpected that you laugh yourself to tears and... play again! Because it's fun, engaging and never gets old.


If you want to get moving, games (such as Jenga and Twister) can help. In the former, only your hands will move - you'll have to build the tower, pull the sticks out and keep it from toppling. In the second, you'll place your hands and feet on coloured circles chosen at random. Both options will require some effort. Jenga cannot knock down the tower and Twister cannot knock down the tower by itself.

Game Jenga