Living Forest game

In the Living Forest board game, you become a nature spirit trying to save the forest and its sacred tree from the flames of Onibi. 

It is a fun and unique board game that combines strategy, puzzles and adventure into one exciting game. 

In this article, we will discuss its attractiveness, features and characteristics.

Key facts 

Designed for: In 2021

Type: Strategic

Number of players: 2-4

Duration: 40 minutes

Complexity: Medium

Age of players: 10+

Price – 31-51 €

Living Forest - a brief introduction

The aim of the game

The main objective of the game is to save the forest and its sacred tree from the evil fire spirit Onibi!

This There are three ways for players to achieve the goal: 


  1. By planting 12 new trees to protect the forest (on your own tree board).
  2. Collect 12 sacred lotus flowers that will awaken Sankis, the great guardian of the forest.
  3. By extinguishing the 12 flames, we will take Onibi away once and for all.

Win the 2022 award

This board game won the Kennerspiel des Jahres award in 2022, one of the most prestigious board game awards. 

Living Forest was chosen for its strategic depth, beautiful design, unique themes and the ability to enjoy the game anew every time.

Game pluses

✅ Family game

The game is designed for the whole family and can bring different age groups together in a common activity.

✅ Creates educational value

Living Forest creates educational value, integrating players into the interaction between nature and the ecosystem. It is a great opportunity to learn new things and understand the impact of climate change on all life on earth.

✅ Can be played multiple times

The game can be played many times, as different strategies can be used to reach the goal.

Encouraging communication

Encourages communication between players - everyone needs to work together to solve problems and strategise.

✅ Beautiful design and components
The design is exceptionally fine and all the components used are pleasant to the touch and of high quality.


Game cons

❌ Price

This board game can be an expensive option for those looking for cheaper board games.

❌ Duration

The game may take longer to play, so players who like faster board games will not like it.

❌ Need more space

This board game needs to be played on a spacious table, so you need to prepare in advance for a comfortable game.

❌ Complex rules

New players may take some time to fully understand the rules.

What is in the game kit?

The pieces in the board game box are of high quality and feature bright colours.


Game board1
Player tables4
Animal foster cards40
Holy Flower Cards12
Protective tree tiles12
Circle of Spirits tokens48
Fire chips80
Reputation tokens4

Start of Living Forest

In this game, players take on the role of one of four nature spirits and try to become the great protector of the forest. 

The four nature spirits - Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn - are on a mission to save the sacred forest tree from the devastating Onibi flames.


Each player receives a separate Forest Board (5×3 grid) on which they receive one initial protective tree. 

Players also receive Animal Character Cards to protect the forest.

These cards, on the left-hand side, indicate the elements that are used in the game to implement certain actions.

This small deck of cards is shuffled and placed on the table, face down, next to the Forest board.

The remaining cards are dealt to each player.

All players have one character representing themselves on the circular Spirit Board.

The game starts with a Fire chip in the centre of the Spirit board.

Characters of animal guardians

At each step of the game, the Animal Characters give the player who has it a few valuable items. If a good team of Animal Guardians can be assembled, players can make very valuable moves indeed.

Players draw Animal Character cards from their personal card piles and turn them over one by one, forming an Animal Character Helpline.

Players can stop turning over cards whenever they want.

Alternatively, if they turn up a third card with a black symbol, they can redeem it by paying with a white 'cross' token, thus discarding that card and continuing to turn up others.


Here are some of the Animal Guardians characters that dominate the game:

Fox: fast, clever and very charming. She knows how to trick enemies and attract allies. Can also use her tail as a knife.

Deer: strong, courageous and faithful. It defends its friends and the forest from all dangers. It can also use its horns as weapons.

Rat: curious, intelligent and resourceful. She knows how to find and use different things that can help her achieve her goals. She can also use her teeth as tools or weapons.

Wolf: A powerful, wise and true leader who commands and coordinates his troops. He can also use his powerful voice to intimidate others.

Hedgehog: modest, friendly and able to resolve critical situations and avoid conflict. It can also use its spikes for protection or as a magic weapon against others.

Game progress

The Spirits of Nature begin their moves.

If a player has fewer than three black cards in his face-up line, then he can take 2 different actions, and if there are three cards in his face-up line, then he can take only one action.

The action to be taken is determined by the number of relevant items on the card.

The total number of elements must be added together.

There are five further steps:

  1. To take a cross-shaped token (if the player takes no action) and use it later in the Animal Guardians phase.
  2. Add new Animal Guardians cards to your stack of face-up cards (if you have enough Sun symbols on your face-up cards to purchase the corresponding new character).
  3. Extinguish the fire using water drop points (if sufficient for the action). 
  4. Move around the Spirit Board using the white cross-shaped chips.
  5. Plant one protective tree using green seedling points (if sufficient for this action). 

The end of the walk and five possible events

  1. Onibi attacks a playerand if there is Fire in the centre of the Circle of Spirits and the player is unable to resist it (the player must have as many blue Water Points as there are Fire Tiles on the circular board), then the player must add to his discard pile as many Fire Varan cards as there are Fire Tiles in the centre of the Circle of Spirits.
  2. Onibi attacks the sacred tree. The player must then add to the centre of the Spirit Wheel as many Fire Tiles as there are Animal Guardian cards taken this turn.
  3. Arrival of new Animal Guardians characters. They replenish the Animal Guardians' reserve by revealing as many new cards in each level as the number of cards taken during that turn, i.e. replenishing the losses on the game board.
  4. The return of the old Animal Guardians characters. Players move all Animal Guardians cards from the help line to their personal pile.
  5. Giving the sacred tree. The Sacred Tree is handed over by the player to the next Nature Spirit clockwise to replace the starting player.

The main action of the players is to move the main game board around the protected tree, thus taking victory points away from the opponents. 

The game ends at the end of any action phase when someone has achieved one of the three victory conditions.

Living Forest game recap

Living Forest is a fun board game that's suitable for both family and friends. It combines strategy, thinking and adventure, and offers the opportunity to learn about nature and ecology.

This game is the perfect choice for nature lovers!

What is the purpose of the game❓

To preserve the forest and its sacred tree from the evil fire spirit Onibi.

What is the duration of the game❓

The average game lasts about 40 minutes.

How many spirits are in Living Forest❓

There are four spirits of nature - Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

This board game is recommended from the age of a few❓

The rules recommend playing from the age of 10.

Is the game difficult❓

The game is rated as medium difficulty.