Blackjack even has a few names you may have heard before: card game 21, card game eye. The rules of blackjack are really simple. Simply deal the cards and...
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Ligretto - Rules
Ligretto is a card game. The rules of Ligretto are quite simple. The gameplay is somewhat similar to that of a simple Solitaire game, as in both games the cards are stacked one on top of the other...
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Saboteur 2 is an expansion to the strategy card game Saboteur. It can only be played with the main game. However, to make the game more fun, it adds new action and multiplayer...
Continue reading...Twister game - rules
Unlike the other games mentioned on this page, Twister is not a board game. It is designed for those who want to move around, exercise and otherwise test their physical strength. Twister rules...
Continue reading...Spyfall - Rules
Spyfall is classified as a card game because it requires only the special cards for the game. It is therefore suitable for play where there is no room for large game boards. What...
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