GalvOK board game

The board game GalvOK is a version of the popular TV game that has taken on a new form and reached the homes of a loyal fan base.

The game uses intelligent question cards from different themes: man and nature, gastronomy, common life experiences, history, culture, countries and nations.

Today, curious, challenging and witty questions fit into one compact box that gives fans of this TV show and board games the chance to play it right in their own home.

In this article, we will present the basic facts, rules, pros and cons of the board game GalvOK.

Key facts

Designed for: In 2021

Type: logical, team

Number of players: 2-12

Duration: about 30 minutes

Complexity: Medium

Age of players: from 10 years

Game objective - explore, learn and have fun with friends and family.

Game rules - GalvOK has three versions of the rules: basic, dice and surprise cards, and smart.

Points are calculated depending on the version of the rules you choose.

Game pluses:

✅Intellectual and educational game.
✅Flexible and adaptable to different players' needs.
✅Suitable for all ages.
✅Allows the expression of creativity and encourages friendly competition.

Game cons:

❌Can be monotonous with the same rules for a long time.
❌Some rules may require a significant amount of time to develop and evaluate questions and answers.
❌Questions can be subjective, which can lead to disputes.

The aim of the game

The aim of the board game GalvOK is to explore, learn and have fun and enjoy your time with friends or family. During the game, players try to answer various questions and gain points, creating friendly competition and expanding their knowledge.


GalvOK board game - rules

The game has three different versions of the rules to suit different players' preferences and abilities.

Let's discuss the three versions of the GalvOK rules:

1. Basic rules

This version of the rules is the most suitable for beginners. In this version of the game, players have to answer various questions that can be found on the game cards.

Here you can find everything from general knowledge questions to interesting facts about world culture, science, history and many other topics. The cards contain both popular and lesser-known questions, so players have to think critically and often use their own intuitive solutions. It's a great way to test your level of knowledge.


The board game can also be played several times, as the questions change in each game, allowing players to improve their knowledge and strategies.

Players have to answer the questions to score points. The questions are divided into 4 categories and consist of logical, knowledge, creative and fun questions. A player receives 1 point for answering a question correctly.

The game ends when one player has exhausted all cards. The player with the most points wins the game.

2. Rules for dice and surprise cards

This version of the game adds even more creativity and intrigue. While these rules are similar to the basic rules, there are a few additional game elements. This version of the game uses a special dice with different question numbers to determine which question players have to answer.

Players roll the dice and, depending on the number rolled, they have to answer the corresponding question on the card with the same question number. For example, if the die rolls a 6, the player can choose one of the surprise cards.

Surprise cards can give a player a variety of advantages, such as the ability to ask another player a question, gain extra points, or even pass the turn of the game to another player.

The game is played clockwise. Each player has the opportunity to roll the dice by answering a question. 

It's intriguing and exciting because the players don't know what question they will get. This makes the game even more attractive as it requires quick reactions and thinking.

Surprise cards can change the course of the game. They can give you extra points, allow you to get a second attempt at an answer, or provide unexpected challenges that make the game even more interesting.

They bring even more variety to the game and prevent it from becoming too monotonous.

This version of the GalvOK rules is the ideal choice for those looking for more dynamism, surprise and new experiences in a table game.

3. Smart Rules

The third version of the GalvOK rules is the perfect choice for those who like a challenge and want to test their logical and creative thinking. In this version, players become the creators, which gives the game even more interpretation and flexibility. 

The Smart Rules allow players to choose their own topics and have to come up with their own questions and answers, then judge them and get points for creativity and correct answers.

This gives players the opportunity to express their curiosity and create challenges according to their life experiences and personal capabilities.


Which version of the rules is best?

The best version of the rules depends on the age and skill level of the players.

  • The basic rules are suitable for players who are new to the game.
  • The rules with dice and surprise cards are a little more complex and may be of interest to players who are already familiar with the game.
  • Smart rules are the most complex and can be interesting for players looking for a challenge.

Preparation and progress

The preparation process for GalvOK is simple and varies depending on which version of the rules you choose to play.

✔️ Choosing a version of the rulesA: The first step is to decide which version of the GalvOK rules you want to play with. Whether it is the basic rules, the dice and surprise cards or the smart rules. This is very important in this board game, as it determines the way the game proceeds and the engagement of the players in the game.

✔️ Preparation of the necessary elements: After selecting the version of the rules you want to play, you need to make sure that all the necessary game elements are present. Depending on the version of the game, participants may need playing cards, dice with question numbers, surprise cards or mobile phones that can decode QR codes and show hidden questions.

✔️ Briefing players on the rules: If you are playing with people who don't know the rules of the game, you should first introduce them to the basic rules and the purpose of the game. This can help all players to better understand how to play this board game.

✔️ Team building (if required): If the game is played with more players and the team game option is chosen, you need to divide people into teams and explain the rules that define the team game.

✔️ Start of the game: After all this, you can start the game. You need to follow the version of the rules you have chosen, roll the dice (if necessary) and start answering the questions or creating your own questions (if you are playing with smart rules). During the game, you need to count how many points each player or team has scored and follow the rules to get it right.


Scoring is important because it determines the winner of the game. The game has several ways of scoring points, depending on the version of the rules you choose.

According to the basic rules

If the game is played according to the basic rules, points are usually scored normally. Each player or team receives points for each question answered correctly.

These rules specify exactly how many points are awarded for each correct answer. For example, it may be that 1 point is awarded for each correct answer.

Rules with dice and surprise cards

In this version of the rules, points are also scored for correct answers, but when using the number die during the game, points are based on the number of dice rolled. The dice indicate the number of each question to be answered. If a player answers a question correctly, the points scored depend on the number of the dice.

According to smart rules

In this version of the rules, the points depend on the development and evaluation of the questions and answers. Players are awarded a point when the questions and answers they create are interesting and meet the criteria.

Of course, points are also awarded for correctly answered questions.

GalvOK board game set

  • 440 cards
  • Hourglass
  • 16-plane dice
  • 24 point chips
  • Rulebook

More than 300 questions and more:

  • 55 smart cards
  • 50 surprise cards
  • 5 GalvOK supercards

GalvOK board game - the pros

The GalvOK board game has a number of advantages that make it intriguing and attractive to a wide range of players, whether they are beginners or advanced players.

An intellectual game

This game requires knowledge, analysis and critical thinking skills. Players have to search for answers to questions, and can also create their own questions to be answered by other players by selecting the appropriate version of the rules.


Friendly competition: GalvOK encourages friendly competition between players. People can comment, compete and help each other. It's a great way to build a close relationship and add a social dimension to the game.

Different versions of the game can be selected: This game has several versions of the rules, so players can choose the version that appeals to them and adapt it to their own circle of players or level of knowledge. This allows players to experience different game moods and new challenges.

Universality: GalvOK is an easy-to-understand game for all ages. The versatility of the game allows it to be adapted to any meeting.

Creativity: In the Smart Rules version, players have to create their own questions and answers. This allows them to express their creativity and thinking skills and share their knowledge with other players.


Cons of GalvOK

Monotony: The game can be a bit monotonous if players always play with the same version of the chosen rules. Frequent rule changes can be a great way to make the game more attractive.

Time-consuming preparation: Certain versions of the rules, especially smart rules, can require a lot of time to develop and evaluate questions and answers. This can be an inconvenient option if you want to play a more dynamic game or have limited time resources.

Inaccurate questionsA: Game questions can be subjective, which means that it can be difficult to know whether an answer is right or wrong. This can lead to disputes between players who may disagree with the answer given by the developer.

Summary of the board game GalvOK

The board game GalvOK is based on the famous TV show GalvOK format, during which the audience watches the questions and answers. The essence of this board game is that the game can be simply transposed to the home environment, allowing players to search for answers themselves.

It's an intelligent and fun game for players of all ages. It encourages players to think, be creative and compete in a friendly way, and the different versions of the rules allow you to customise the game to suit your preferences.

The GalvOK board game caters to the different needs of players and allows everyone to find a game that suits them. It is a game that develops mental skills and provides plenty of intrigue for both beginners and experienced players.

How many people can play the board game GalvOK❓

According to the rules, GalvOK can be played by between 2 and 12 people.

What is the duration of GalvOK❓

Playing time depends on the number of people playing and the version of the rules you choose. The usual duration is about 30 minutes.

How many rules does GalvOK❓ have

The GalvOK board game has as many as 3 versions of rules:
basic, dice and surprise cards, and smart cards.

What is the goal of GalvOK❓

The aim of the GalvOK board game is to have fun with friends or family, learn and find out interesting facts.

What is the recommended age of players❓

The game is recommended for ages 10 and up.